In its war against the spam and substandard sites, Google launched two major updates of its algorithm Panda and Penguin in the period of fourteen months. The back-to-back Google updates turned the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry upside down. Many of the low-quality and spamming sites that ruled over Google for a long time using blackhat SEO methods were uprooted from their rankings and thrashed to the bottom.
In this post we’ll discuss the best ethical techniques for preventing and recovering from Google Panda/Penguin hit.
Identify feasible Link Opportunities:

Use appropriate SEO Tools

The tools can make your job easier, but they can’t replace you. The tools like Majestic SEO and Open Site Explorer of SEOMoz empower you to attain domains with utmost authority over the search engines. Using these tools you can identify the most functional sites but their examination is needed to be conducted humanly.
Avoid Using Mass Link Building Techniques:

The tactics that delivers you hundreds of thousands of results in a short time makes your approach suspicious for algorithms. If you are buying links or any automatic method, you should ready for the algorithms’ backlash as it will detect your site today or soon. The emergence of links as result of viral content is sole legitimate way to get a whopping amount of links in a short period of time. There is no other way that ensures you that your website will be protected.
Social Media Sharing:

It has been observed that social media sharing also helps you to improve your site’s visibility in the search engine. So post relevant and interesting posts on your social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Dig, Delicious, and Google +1s to be engaged with your users and let them more discuss more about your product. Greater there will be the sharing, higher your social signal will be.
Content Marketing:

The most powerful content is text, which commonly covers the major portion of a website. However, it is needed to be understood that a perfect website consists of different sorts of contents and each has its own importance. The content you could include in your website could be in form of infographic Creation and Marketing, videos, tools and widgets, webinars, whitepapers, PDFs, and presentations, references and guides, Press Releases, eBooks etc.

In the nutshell, do not jeopardize your future by relying upon the substandard SEO methods to improve your visibility for a short-time because if your site is hit by Google Panda/Penguin, it would be very hard for you to resurrect. Hence take precautionary measures to evade your site from such issues.
As Google had too many Panda/Penguin updates in last year, which result so many website lost the ranking due to some violation of rules and policies intentionally or tensional by business owners are SEO Professionals. Before start further activities on your website contact us.
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